Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Enterprise and Entrepreneurial Management Assignment

Enterprise and Entrepreneurial Management - Assignment ExampleIt is very strategical that linkages between strategic innovationning and performance atomic number 18 addressed. The business planning process should take into account the organizational performance. Also planning should not be rigid and formal. The business planning process should not be idealistically rational, rigid, bureaucratic and a dysfunctional exercise. The planning process should be drawn in much(prenominal) a way that watchfulness are actively involved in the actual decision making process. The strategic plans and objectives formulated should be flexible. Hence, there is an atom of intuition in the business planning process. In order to attain strategic competence, it is very necessary that the intuitive judgment taken in the plan is successful (Hodgkinson et al. 2009). They may change in the course of time in order to meet the final goal. An ideal business plan consists of long name and short term goal s which needs to be attained. These strategic objectives should be flexible and accordingly the strategic plans may change to meet requirements (Shrader et al. 1984). Market analysis and investigate Most organizations draw up a market plan in order to attain the formal goal. Unfortunately, only few strive to develop a comprehensive plan which entails to research and analyze the product and service market before implementing it. Most organizations shy away from developing a comprehensive marketing plan as they may face a lot of hurdles which may be in the form of adjectival, cognitive, research, cultural, informational, environmental and organizational aspects (Wilson & McDonald 1994). One of the procedural benefits of planning is that it helps in attaining realistic and attainable goals. However, in... From this paper, it is clear that modern researchers assert that sole emphasis on entrepreneurial characteristics does not completely attribute to entrepreneurial success. Researc hers are more interested in evaluating and researching on the thinking doing nexus of entrepreneurial behavior. Managers interact with the environment and make decisions with reference to success factors. Most of the times, entrepreneurs watch to make decisions with limited or ambiguous data. Hence they contrive to possess the knowledge to assess, judge and decide depending on the creation of ventures, opportunities, and growth. Hence, action and thought are important components of the behavior of an entrepreneur and play an important role in determining successful decision making.All in all, a successful entrepreneur have a diverse set of qualities which includes personality traits.According to me, an entrepreneur needs to manage certain important areas like risk management, planning for new ventures, networking, learning, financial management and human resource management. In order to handle all these aspects in a successful manager, the entrepreneur must take the right decision at the right time. Hence, in order to be a successful manager, an individual needs to have the skills, experience and personality traits to manage a venture successfully. This includes problem-solving and decision-making skills, strategic thinking, capacity to close deals successfully, time and project management, selling, negotiation, persuasion, and motivation.

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